Services Departemants
Introduction & Services of Power Plant Department

Mona Co. power plant department has provided engineering services of steam, gas, combined cycle power plants ،hydro-electric and subsidiary industrial and power plant projects with the capacity of more than 2000MW since 1998.Furthermore, technical specifications and tender documents preparation, tender holding, evaluation of proposals, determining tender winner, contract-related technical negotiations until final stage that contract is signed, and cooperation in performing studies related to  feasibility and optimal location of power plants and distributed generators in addition to  site supervisions and supreme supervisions and supervision of installations and equipments manufacturing tests, are principal tasks which have been accomplished

A.Power plant units
In compliance with our clients’ request, this department provides all engineering services including supervision of procurement, manufacturing, installation ,commissioning and operation tasks in addition to supervision of power plant units basic and semi-basic and also periodic maintenance

B.Power plant Subsidiary equipment
Services in this part include design and supervision of subsidiary equipment procurement, manufacturing, installation and commissioning

C.Study projects
This services cover studies related to feasibility and optimal location of power plants and also research and investment projects

+98 (41) 34772860

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